

  • Address: Via Brandizzo, 243 - 10088 - VOLPIANO (TO) ITALY
  • Telephone: +39.011.9951997
  • Fax: +39.011.9953062

    Production Plants:

  • Via Brandizzo, 243 - 10088 - Volpiano (TO)
  • Via Rivera, 100 - 10040 - Almese (TO)

    Commercial Offices:

  • Tk Middle East: TECNIKABEL ME JLT
  • Address: 3008 Mazaya Business Avenue, Jumeirah Lake Towers - Dubai, UAE
  • Tk Asia Pacific: TECNIKABEL Asia-Pacific PTE LTD
  • Address: 16 Tuas South Street 2 - Singapore 637786
  • Tk Roma: Via Casali delle Cornacchiole, 154 - 00178 ROMA - ITALY
  • Telephone: +39.06.50992552
  • Fax: +39.06.50514022

Legal information

  • Tax code and Turin Business Register code
  • R.E.A.: 519294
  • VAT Code: 01788720017
  • Share Capital: € 2.875.872 fully paid up share capital
  • Legal address: Via De Sonnaz 19 10121 Torino

Follow the directions to AOSTA. Take the A5 motorway towards AOSTA and take the first exit (VOLPIANO). At the roundabout, take the fourth road. After the motorway flyover, go straight on and pass two roundabouts. You will find the Tecnikabel approximately 700 metres after the second roundabout on the left.


Follow the directions to TORINO. Take the A4 motorway towards TORINO and exit at BRANDIZZO. At the roundabout, take the third road (Via BRANDIZZO). You will find the Tecnikabel plant on the right after approximately 2 km.

GPS coordinates

WGS84 reference system:

  • X: 405977
  • Y: 5005010

Latitude and longitude:

  • Lat: N 45° 11' 28''
  • Long: E 7° 48' 31''

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